
inconsequential desires

i want to be a timeless piece of literature
that conveys the importance of you;
in order to assure you of my dreams,
and to reassure you of my desires.
i want to remove every barrier in place,
and eradicate every doubt that is present.
i want everything placed before us to grab hold
and follow us, leaving a trail behind.
i want to show you your reflection;
exposing the true beauty within you,
revealing what has been there all along.
. . .
i want, so much
. . .
i want my thoughts to be yours,
and have yours to be mine;
or i'll settle to just always be on your mind.
i want you to feel present and near,
even when hours and miles separate us.
i want endless days and never ending nights,
so that the two of us will never have to part.
i want to be able to say that there's a reason we met;
a reason that is much greater than just you and then me.
i want the reason to define what we have
and to stand for where we've come from.
. . .
i'm breathless
. . .
i want .. i want, so much
. . .
i want to forget the past, and only remember us.
i want goodbye's to never fall upon you and i.
i want the good, the bad, and everything in between.
i want to embody everything that completes you.
i want your emotions across my face.
i want all of your burdens to lie upon my chest.
i want our souls to intertwine.
i want your heart to combine with mine.
. . .
& yet, only now am i realizing that
i want too much
of something that isn't wanted in return
. . .
something that i don't need
. . .


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